
The Honourable Mr. Justice T. Alexander Hickman

The Honourable Mr. Justice T. Alexander Hickman


Objective: Uncover the Truth behind Newfoundland's DARKEST Secret; Who is Marjorie Anstein's Father? Uncover and Expose the hidden Truth behind the Secret. A pack of LawLIARs and public sector crooks have refused to carry out their DUTY to get to the bottom of this. Which is a simple DNA test. The world will find out tuth behind Newfounland's DARKEST secret. Who made Susan Prior Pregnant when she was only an 11 year old in Sept 1966;

In a Grand Bank, Newfoundland Masonic Lodge.

I feel that all Canadians should become incumbint upon holding Harper and all Justice Ministers feet to the FIRE! (on marshmellow sticks) over this issue.

Or else the Royal Family's extended family members running our Government will continue the let their family & buddies pillage & rape our fine Canadian Country side. We Canadians cannot tolorate seeing those Royal Family extended family members violate their Mandates under the colour of law.

Someone Has Raped one of our sisters!

Declaration by King Neptune (aka Byron Prior) of Newfoundland, Canada

Declaration by King Neptune (aka Byron Prior) of Newfoundland, Canada

The Blog about the Problem; to be a judge you have to be a lawyer and you need some higher ranking politcians like Justice Ministers to back you up. The problem is when judges are raping and pilaging our Canadian country side then the politician the one's who are to keep judges in check typicially let their friends they have appointed as judges let them run free instead of throwing their friends in the Slammer! Story by Eddie Achtem

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Story of how I was oppressed by Oragnized Crime - LawLIARs Lies Have Genuine Integrity

Affidavit Supporting the videos below can be viewed at;

The Ambush Video. Rhonda Sails's Ambush of Exhbit M to R
Do NOT click the green spaces here to view all 6 parts. It's already in Auto Play.

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